Champion of the DGNZ stags
1yr (2007) comments: We used Huneric as a spiker sire over a selection of our hinds. 2yr (2008) comments: The best 2yr stag we have ever bred, or seen ANYWHERE in the world. Proven dam line. Huneric dropped his buttons very early for a 2yr stag, and started growing his head by early October. He scored an amazing 405 @ 2yrs, and won the National 2yr Hard Antler award. A great testemant for his quality. His spread was a massive 40 inches, span 24.4 inches and main bam length 35.6 inches. Very thick 10 inch bases. A big proud animal that we will watch his growth with much anticipation. 3yr (2009) comments: Huneric DG grew an incredible 3yr head this year and scored 501 @ 3yrs. 4yr (2010) comments: Huneric DG continues to impress, with his massive beam, brilliant span and long open oints. Huneric was independently scored at 570 @ 4yrs. 5yr (2011) comments: Huneric DG continures to be the basis of much of our breeding. He dropped 4 inches this year and we put that down to him not producing any droppers. His long tines continue to lengthen and amass. Lovely temperment. Huneric DG has been one of our founding sires, with sons who outscore Huneric DG's scores at the same ages. His sons include: Genghis DG (528 @ 5yrs), Leonides DG (637 @ 4yrs), Hilderic DG (555 @ 4yrs) and Archontas DG (427 @ 2yrs)